Evolve Herbal Clinic

Claire from evolve herbal clinic

Meet Claire From Evolve Herbal Clinic - For Natural Herbal remedies


Natural healing is all about making positive and sustainable changes in your life.  Here at Evolve Herbal Clinic, I will work with you to help you recognise patterns and challenges in your physical and emotional health and provide you with an individualised herbal, dietary and lifestyle protocol to suit your needs.  This approach cleanses and nourishes the body to promote healing and bring back balance.  You can feel more self-sufficient and in control of your own health by choosing natural methods.  The natural approach is as much about prevention and wellness as it is about treatment.  Herbal medicine is gentle and works with your body’s energy to promote physical and emotional healing.

Claire Farrell


Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine works with the body to identify the root cause of the condition.  The gentle and balanced action of a herbal formula ensures treatment of the whole person improving overall health and vitality…


Iridology is the traditional health assessment therapy used in master herbalism.  Iris analysis provides you with information about your general health and personality to guide you back on your path to better health…

Plant Based Nutrition

Change your eating habits to enhance your current and long-term health.  A plant based diet improves gut health so that your body can better absorb nutrients from food to support immunity and improve general health…


Today an increasing number of people are turning to herbal medicine totreat their health issues. Constituents within the plants act upon thebody to identify the root cause of the problem and restore health.Herbal formulae are specific to the individual and not only target thepresenting problem, but also address associated secondary issues.

Herbs can be used for any condition both acute and chronic.  Theyare a very effective remedy for colds, flu, sore throats, cuts, burnsand other common conditions.  They can also be used as part of a fulltreatment protocol for countless other medical conditions includingdigestive disorders, skin issues, allergies, menstrual conditions,men’s health, anxiety and stress and many more.

The herbalist will carry out a full consultation to include a fullevaluation of medication.  They are trained to recognise and beknowledgeable in drug interactions and will combine herbal formulaewith this in mind.

Herbal medicine has been used safely and effectively for thousands ofyears.  The herbalist is trained in combing herbs in a way that workswith the body without producing unwanted side effects.  Over time, theformula is modified to reflect changes in the person’s healthsituation.

Herbal formulae act as nourishing tonics for the body.  As well asformulae which are targeted to specific conditions, some can be used to enhance immunity and provide minerals to strengthen the personafter periods of overwork and stress, illness, poor diet and muchmore.

There is no specific answer to this question as many factors influence the length of time herbal treatment takes.  Some of these include current health status, the condition, past medical history and the person themselves.  The herbalist will be able to give a better guideline once a detailed case history has been taken.  

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